It is heart-broken news when your resume is being rejected and find difficulties in finding a job?
Are you still facing difficulties in finding a job?
Are you applying for many jobs and regularly receiving a lot of NO from the recruiter?
It is almost difficult rather hard to find and settle in the right job for your career.
You are not alone in searching for the job as there are already millions of other job-seekers are experiencing the same frustration.
But once you understand why jobs are so hard to find, you can easily reveal the steps to increase your chances of success.
It will be frustrating when looking at the job boards for various open positions, but when your resume is being rejected.
Don’t bother for repeated rejections as most of the companies have no intention to fill up all vacancies.
Either they simply solicit resumes regularly to create a reservoir of potential candidates.
14 Common Difficulties in Finding a Job:
Many people dedicate so much time and effort to job searching but remain unsuccessful.
This is especially true for those who want more prominent roles in their job like online marketing etc.
There is so much at stake; you need to turn the tables on these rejections as quickly as you can.
It is time to map out the most common struggles job seekers and learn how to overcome them. These leading problems include:
1.) There are Just No Job Opportunities:
Sometimes the biggest problem job seekers face is simply a lack of jobs.
The job market can be a hostile place, and you might have to bide your time in a stop-gap job while you watch and wait for better opportunities to come along.
This is not an excuse to give up the hunt. Just get to work and keep a wary eye on the horizon.
2.) Don’t Dedicate Enough Time to Job-Hunting:
If you are out of work, then you must treat your job search like it is your full-time job, working from nine to five.
This is common advice given by many job-hunting experts.
However, what if you are in school or still employed and you only have limited time and resources? This certainly puts you at a disadvantage.
The best thing you can do in this case is to set aside time each day to place calls and set up appointments.
Shoot for very early in the morning or later in the evening to polish your resume, produce cover letters and place online inquiries.
Then, the tasks you must complete during business hours should be reserved for your lunch break.
3.) Rely Solely on Advertised Job Leads:
Fact is, only about 15 percent to 20 percent of all job openings are ever publicly advertised.
The rest are usually posted and filled in the house or through established networks.
So as a job seeker you must limit your time on and responses to the publicly posted boards, mainly using these resources as research to tailor your resume and cover letter.
Your time would be better spent going directly to the company’s website or human resources department.
4.) Forget to Do Their Homework:
If you hope to land a position then you need to show the hiring manager you are the solution to their unique needs.
You cannot hope to do this if you have not spent time researching the company you hope to work for.
5.) Can’t Find the Right Role:
If you want to earn a position the best thing you can do is narrow your job search and focus your efforts on specific jobs.
Always apply for the jobs that match your specialized qualifications to avoid difficulties in finding a job.
Then you can wow your target group with your relevant experiences instead of applying for any and every job you can find.
6.) Fail to Grab the Hiring Manager’s Attention:
So many job seekers pad their resumes and cover letters with the information they think hiring managers are looking for.
This means resume after resume looks much the same. If you want your resume to snag attention you have to include personalized information.
To customize your resume for every job application and create distinctive cover letters to match.
This will get you far more attention than simply sending out resumes and cover letters en mass.
7.) Lack of Experience:
This problem especially applies to new graduates entering the job market, but can also cause problems for long-standing executives forced back into the job market.
Sometimes it takes stints of unpaid internships or voluntary work before your experience ranks high enough to be considered.
8.) Don’t Maintain Current Relationships:
Many job seekers forget to leverage the current network they already have.
Consider family, friends, co-workers or prior instructors who can assist you.
These contacts are invested in your success and can be some of your most valuable assets.
9.) Neglect Their Network:
Much of modern job-seeking relies heavily on establishing a reliable network you can draw from.
The problem is inserting yourself in the right networks even if you have yet to enter your chosen field.
There is no easy solution and developing a resourceful network will take time and energy.
You will need to step from your comfort zone and reach out to influencers in your chosen field.
10.) Don’t Know How to Introduce Themselves:
Some of the business experts and digital marketing agencies in Los Angeles call a basic introduction to the “elevator pitch”.
Some of the best opportunities to advance in your chosen career come unexpectedly, like waiting in line at a coffee shop or sharing the elevator at a convention.
To make a good impression you must know how to express who you are, what your story is and how that information might be relevant to your contact’s needs.
You only have about 60 seconds to make a new friend in the field, so make your introduction count.
11.) Stress Over Employment Gaps:
There is no shame in having blank periods between jobs. However, you have to know, hiring managers are trained to pinpoint these holes in your resume, so you must prepare to answer the question:
“What were you doing from January 2009 to June of the same year?” Be honest about your layoffs, but do not dwell on the situation more than you have to.
Instead of direct attention to how you made up for a lost time.
12.) Forget About Online Image:
Hiring managers not only rely on background checks but also conduct their online research for prospects they seriously consider.
This means you cannot post any information that could reflect badly on your image and dampen your candidacy.
13.) Lose Confidence in their Ability:
Facing rejection after rejection can quickly take a toll.
To be successful you need to regain confidence and motivation as a job seeker.
Instead, concentrate on the things you do well and keep getting help from your resources.
14.) Suffer From a Lack of Perspective:
You are not your job, but sometimes when you dedicate every waking moment to your job hunt you lose sight of that simple fact.
Do your best to maintain balance in your life and not obsess over finding the perfect position.
Yes, dedicate as much time as you can, but do not let job-seeking take over every waking moment of your life.
Reserve time for family, friends, exercise. These things give you a purpose and keep you feeling human.
15.) Companies are Too Selective:
The current job market is entirely changed thus creating more difficulties in finding a job.
Decades ago, employers hire candidates with the intention of employing them for the long term.
But now, that dynamic has changed as companies are no longer loyal to their employees.
Because employees move from job to job irrespective of their career development and growth.
As a result, the companies are looking for an immediate return from their employers.
How to Overcome These Job Search Difficulties?
An unsuccessful job search can be frustrating and make you feel defeated when looking for a new job.
Whether the competition is too hard (or) you are not sincere in your job search, you will not be successful in the job search.
However, there might be a way out of this slippery slope and here are the few things to be successful in your job hunt.
Have a Clear Direction:
List your skill and your career before seeking a job or before applying for any position online.
Do not apply for random job opportunities as you will be most unlikely to be very unsuccessful.
Leave your mindset of sending 20+ job applications per day with the hope of getting at least one call.
Step back and rethink your approach, pay close attention to the job role and specifications before applying.
A focused job search can further reduce the difficulties in finding a job and get you a better chance of finding a job.
Prepare an Outstanding Resume:
With the current applicant tracking system, your job application may not reach the hands of the recruiter.
Most HR managers are relying on the automated applicant tracking system to filter out the least qualified candidates.
Almost 70% of the candidates are rejected through the ATS processing and only 25% of successful applications will be seen.
So, when applying for a job, ensure the use of proper keywords in your resume exactly matching your job search.
Increase Your Network:
After conducting a study from a group of job searchers in India, a report says, most job seekers don’t have a network.
Also, many successful job hunt is possible only through referrals either provided existing employers.
To increase your network through all social media platforms especially LinkedIn which may increase your success.
Create a network and start talking to your acquaintances about your job hunt to get more exposure.
Move with Confidence:
Even though when you have been called for an interview, you are not still confident in getting a job.
Lack of confidence is another reason for difficulties in finding a job by most of the job seekers.
You should increase your confidence level by getting advice and suggestion from your friends and family members.
Practice more when preparing for an interview to the more chances of success in your job hunt.
Have a Clear Goal:
If you already working on your core industry or have been placed in a job, continue to become an expert.
Most job seekers are the experienced people who are unhappy with their current role searching for a new job.
Such a mentality will increase the chances of being hired in this competitive market.
Have a clear goal for your career and start advancing towards making yourself expertise in your current role.
Final Thoughts:
Whether you are looking for your first job or the best executive sales jobs for you, you will face certain struggles.
It pays to do the leg work and give your job hunt the attention it deserves. Most of all—don’t give up too soon!
Remember that, “Winners are just people who keep trying”.
Every time when you face difficulties in finding a job, don’t encounter setback instead move forward.
Don’t care about rejections that stop your job search efforts by not taking personally and staying healthy morally.
If you didn’t get your job even after searching for over 6 months, get help from some agencies.
Attend career course to improve your search and increase your network.
Ultimately you will get one step closer in getting a job for your career.